Scottish National Orchestra
Scottish National Orchestra&Peter Katin&Philip Fowke&Alexander Gibson《Carnival Of The Animals: Aquarium》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《I Am Going to Tell You a Story About Peter and the Wolf…》
Scottish National Orchestra《The Land of the Mountain and the Flood - Concert Overture Op. 3 (1988 Digital Remaster) (1988 Digital Remaster)》
Scottish National Orchestra《Violin Concerto, Op. 19/1 - Scherzo Vivacissimo》
Scottish National Orchestra&Peter Katin&Philip Fowke&Sir Alexander Gibson《Le carnaval des animaux, R 125: VII. Aquarium》
Scottish National Orchestra&Lydia Mordkovitch《Le Pas D'acier Suite, Op. 41 - IV. The Factory》
Scottish National Orchestra&Peter Katin&Philip Fowke&Sir Alexander Gibson《VII. Aquarium》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《The Bird By the Flute…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《The Duck By the Oboe…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《The Cat By the Clarinet…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《The Grandfather By the Bassoon…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《The Wolf By the Horns…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Peter By the Strings of the Orchestra…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《The Gunshots By the Timpani and the Bass Drum》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Early One Morning Peter Opened the Gate…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《On a Branch of a Big Tree Sat a Little Bird…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Just Then a Duck Came Waddling Round…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Seeing the Duck, the Little Bird Flew Down Upon On the Grass…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《'What Kind of Bird Are You If You Can't Fly?' Said He…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《No Sooner Had Peter Gone Than a Big Grey Wolf Came Out of the Forest…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《In a Twinkling the Cat Climbed Up Into the Tree…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《The Duck Quacked, and In Her Excitement Jumped Out of the Pond…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《But No Matter How Hard the Duck Tried to Run, She Couldn't Escape the Wolf…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《And Then He Got Her, and With One Gulp, Swallowed Her…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《And Now, This Is How Things Stood: The Cat Was Sitting On One Branch…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…the Bird On Another…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…not Too Close to the Cat》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《And the Wolf Walked Round and Round the Tree, Looking At Them With Hungry Eyes.》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《In the Meantime…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《He Ran Home, Got a Strong Rope and Climbed Up the High Stone Wall…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《One of the Branches of the Tree Around Which…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Grabbing Hold of the Branch…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Peter Lightly Climbed Over On to the Tree…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Peter Said to the Bird…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《The Bird Almost Touched the Wolf's Head With His Wings…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《How That Bird Teased the Wolf!…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Meanwhile, Peter Made a Lasso…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《They Argued and Argued…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Suddenly, Something Caught Peter's Attention…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《The Cat Thought: 'The Bird Is Busy Arguing; I'll Just Grab Him.'…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《'Look Out!' Shouted Peter…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…while the Duck Quacked Angrily At the Cat…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…from the Middle of the Pond》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《The Cat Walked Around the Tree…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Just Then Grandfather Came Out…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《But Peter Paid No Attention to His Grandfather's Words…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《But Grandfather Took Peter By the Hand…》
Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Act II: Pas de Deux: Cinderella and the Prince》
Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Act II: Three Oranges》
Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Act III: Southern Countries》
Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Act III: Orientalia》
Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Act III: Amoroso》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…caught the Wolf By the Tail and Pulled With All His Might》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Feeling Himself Caught, the Wolf Began to Jump Wildly…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《But Peter Tied the Other End of Rope to the Tree…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…and the Wolf's Jumping Only Made the Rope Round His Tail Tighter》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Just Then,…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…the Hunters Came Out of the Woods…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…following the Wolf's Trail and Shooting As They Went…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《But Peter, Sitting In the Tree, Said…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Now Just Imagine…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…the Triumphant Procession…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…Peter At the Head…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…after Him the Hunters Leading the Wolf…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《…and Winding Up the Whole Procession Grandfather and the Cat》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Above Them Flew Birdie Chirping Merrily…》
Lina Prokofiev&Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《And If One Would Listen Very Carefully…》
Neeme Järvi&Scottish National Orchestra《Act I: Introduction》