Any dares who love to betray the soul, all have the power to change the world. Driven you are not greedy, but justified. Perhaps let God on your side, to him, let you to be more dangerous. It is your forecast. Maybe it is your best strategy. This string from among the divine and the Mundane 500 miles long, we had better leave immediately. 任何胆敢为爱出卖灵魂的人,都拥有改变世界的力量。驱策你的不是贪婪,而是正当的理由。也许那能让上帝站在你这边,对他来说,那让你更形危险。令你无可预测。那也是你现在的策略。圣凡冈萨离此五百里远,我们立刻动身。