American Tune

American Tune

New music from the Eva estate. This album will be a huge seller, and may outdo "Songbird". I will say this though, nothing to date surpasses "Live At Blues Alley" (the true Eva CD). Nevertheless, this is still a fantastic album.
"American Tune" is a collection of 10 songs featuring covers of some very humble tracks including Cyndi Lauper's "True Colours" and The Beatles "Yesterday". The title track of course being a Paul Simon cover..

Included on this album is another version of "God Bless the Child" which she did as a duet on her album with Chuck Brown titled "The Other Side".

The highlights on the album are "The Water is Wide" and "You Take me Breath Away" - so beautiful they will bring tears to your eyes.

This may be the last of Eva's recordings, so grab yourself a copy and disappear for awhile.

谈论到Eva Cassidy的歌唱魅力,可以从许多报导发现,乐坛对於她的一致评价都是她的声音非常有韵味,因为在Eva Cassidy的声音中,可以感受到她全部的感情,所以Eva Cassidy所演唱的《Bridge Over Troubled Water》〔原唱者∶猫王〕、《What A Wonderful World》〔原唱者∶爵士乐大师路易斯·阿姆斯壮〕及《Blue Skies》,都令人耳目一新。虽然这些歌曲的演唱者都大有来头,而且歌曲亦早已深入人心,但是Cassidy不同於多许多歌手演唱别人的歌曲时往往跳不出既有的框框,只能屈居於原唱者之下。出乎意料的是,Eva Cassidy凭著有著过人的音乐感与创造性,让她的演绎不只与原唱者大相迳庭,其过人的说服力,简直让人以为这些歌曲是为她而量身打造的。

而在Eva Cassidy的音乐里面,其实很难去界定她的音乐类型,因为她的音乐当中揉合著爵士、蓝调、民歌,乃至於福音与灵歌的氛围。这样的音乐佐上Eva Cassidy天生宽阔的音域以及清透丝滑的音质,最後再加上Cassidy独特的断句方式,让每首歌都添加无比的想像空间。

虽然Eva Cassidy未能在她在世时大放异彩,但是她的才华也总算没有被埋没,即便是翻唱的歌曲,Cassidy也用她的歌声让所有的歌曲成为她最佳的代表作品。
