Don't stop the music

Don't stop the music

Dont stop this music till i die

1. I gotta sleep
dont call me in the morning cause i gotta sleep

Composed by DAVII
Lyrics by DAVII
Arranged by DAVII

Piano by DAVII
Contrabass DAVII

Recorded by DAVII at DAVII’s Room
Mixed by DAVII at DAVII’s Room
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 sound mastering

2. Jamie Cullum
My clock tiks from 6 to 9.
When I started music at 19, the first thing I learned was jazz piano.
Which was even more boring than maths and history.
But Jamie Cullum made me fall in love with jazz piano and dream of
becoming a singer-song writer.
Now that im at the end age of 29, I still dream to be like you and its going to be true.
About to 30 in few months and still dreaming to be someone like him and it is going to come true.

Lyrics by DAVII
Coposed by DAVII
Arranged by DAVII

Contrabass DAVII

Recorded by DAVII at DAVII’s Room
Digital Editing by 정유라 at Nightcat Studio
Mixed by 정유라 at Nightcat Studio
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 sound mastering


