MBC 내손을잡아 Pt. 3 Original Television Soundtrack Pt. 3

MBC 내손을잡아 Pt. 3 Original Television Soundtrack Pt. 3

"握住 我 的 手" ( my hand ??)是韩国MBC於2013年10月开始播出的晨间剧。本剧由《黄色复仇草》导演崔恩庆与《仿佛爱过》导演李继俊共同执导。由演出高收视晨间剧《彷佛爱过》的朴诗恩携手李在皇、陈泰贤、裴格林出演。此次朴诗恩与恋人陈泰贤继《南瓜花纯情》後,再次同台挑大梁演出;而李在皇与裴格林则是继《微笑,妈妈》後再度同台合作。
[剧 名]: 牵着 我 的 手really charming.
[播 送]: 韩国 MBC
[类 型]: MBC 晨间 剧
[首 播]: 2013 年 10 月 07 日
[时 间]: 每周 一 到 五 6 点 50 各 播放 一 集
[接 档]: 真是 了不起
[导 演]: 崔恩庆 ("粉 红色 口红" "相信 男人" "金子 轻松 出来 吧")
李继俊 ("宝石 拌饭" "仿佛 爱过")
[编 剧]: 洪承熙
[主 演]: 朴 诗 恩 陈泰贤 李 在 皇 裴格林
[集 数]: 预计 120 集
剧情 简介

Emotional vocal "Susan 's 'MBC Take my hand OST Part.3' release

MBC Drama ? Take my hand ? Susan's OST ? Draw ? Aeteuthan sensitivity toward loved ones is put out of a lyrical ballad .

Restrained from playing the piano intro and Susan's lead vocals blend well make an emotional song, Tiffany's , "You nikkayo ", Jang Geun Suk 's " Love Rain ", heoyoungsaeng 's " Love Song ? , Chugayeol the" bye-bye "and composer the current ore , collaborate and ductile hand , the rising new star lyricist, songwriter Yoon participated in the time delay .

On the other hand, Sejong University and a professor of applied music singer Susan composer current ore being tapped , hand to teach you in school , such as ductile as to build friendships KBS drama ? King Walking family ? OST " break" second only to respiratory -focused songs that .

- Composition : Ryu ore , hand -combustible
- Lyrics: current ore , hand soft, hansiyun
- Arrangement: current ore , hand -combustible
- Session : Guitar- nogyeonghwan , Piano- hand ductility
- Recording Studio: CS Musicn
- Mixing Studio: CS Musicn
- Engineer: namgukhui


