3 Strikes(1.1X)
Don me, ain't don me, yeah don me (×2), Don me, called on me, called on me (×2), 占据我的心, Doing like 95 on the interstate, 像是驰骋在在95号州际公路, Looking for a dinner plate, 寻觅着残羹剩饭, I'm hungry, you called me, 你给饥肠辘辘的我打了个电话, To say you got something, and it's all me, 你说你得到了什么东西,其实我是你的全部, Can you hold me down for one night, like I got three strikes? 可否紧紧一夜相拥,安慰我被三振出局的落寞? I need you to free me, it's a prison inside my mind, 求你将我从思想的牢笼里解救出来, Break me, taste me, 击碎我,品尝我, Roll me up like the northern lights, 把我变成北极光一般的虚无缥缈, Can you hold me down for one night, like I got three strikes? 可否紧紧一夜相拥,安慰我被三振出局的落寞? Don me, ain't don me, yeah don me (×4), 抱着我, Don me, called on me, called on me (×4), 占据我的心, Like I got three strikes, 安慰我被三振出局的落寞, Like I got three strikes, 安慰我被三振出局的落寞, Lit up, burnt out, 点亮,燃烧, Closer to God than we've ever been now, 从未像此时如此靠近上帝, Sipping slow, talking loud, 慢品清酒,肆意交谈, Enough soul, we could sell out, 我们已经足够可以出卖自己, Can you hold me down for one night, like I got th